Services are held on Sundays at 11am in church.
Our usual pattern of services is:-
1st Sunday is a Word Service; 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays are Holy Communion, with refreshments afterwards in the All Saints Centre.
5th Sundays are a Deanery Service held at one of the churches on the Isle at 10.30am, details below
We have also started our ‘Sunday@All Saints’ on 3rd Sundays in our All Saints Centre. Held at 9.15am this is for all age groups and their families. With crafts, songs, prayers, worship and refreshments. Please contact Jane Large 07944 699433 for details or questions.
Details of all services for the coming month are below.
- We ask that you think of others, and socially distance as necessary
- Face coverings are not mandatory, but may be worn
If you want to forward prayers, or ask for prayers to be said for anyone then please e-mail :
Sunday 16 June :…………………………..9.15am Sunday@All Saints for all age groups and families in the All Saints Centre
.…………………………………………….11am Holy Communion
Sunday 23 June :……………………………11am Holy Communion
Sunday 30 June :……………………..10.30am Deanery Service – Holy Communion, St Nicholas, Haxey